San Elijo Lagoon Inlet Update – February 2025
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Excess sands from the mouth of San Elijo Lagoon are being removed and will be re-distributed for the Cardiff Living Shoreline. Inside the lagoon, work begins on the new pedestrian bridge from the Nature Center.
Above: Reconnecting San Elijo Lagoon with the ocean is underway, April 8-15, 2019, at Cardiff State Beach.
Above: Like giant toy trucks, big earthmovers in action inspire a child with his own toy digger in the last inlet excavation at San Elijo Lagoon.
Now through April 15, earthmovers are digging in at the San Elijo Lagoon inlet at Cardiff State Beach. The ocean connection with the estuary is blocked as a result of winter storms and high tides. The annual Inlet Excavation generally occurs this
time of year.
When sands get trapped in the inlet, ocean tides do not freely flow in and out. Opening the channel restores tidal flow. Excavated sands will be moved to the ongoing construction of the Cardiff Living Shoreline.
We thank: California Coastal Conservancy, County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health and City of Encinitas for their support in maintaining a healthy lagoon inlet and coastline this year.
And Now … New Trail Connection in Reviving Your Wetlands
Above: Equipment is in place in the Central basin for the start of construction of a new pedestrian bridge.
From the Nature Center Loop Trail, winding over salt marsh, the new pedestrian bridge linking to the Pole Road will ultimately connect with the Rios Trail in Solana Beach. Exploring will get more fun!
Construction of the bridge will be completed in June 2020.
Above: Rendering of the pedestrian bridge trail connection
Background image by Al Butler
Enjoy the outdoors! Thanks for following Lagoon Connections.
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