San Elijo Lagoon Inlet Update – January 2025
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Thank you to all who gave in gratitude during our year-end matching gift challenge, in which we met our $50,000 matching goal! Your gifts make a difference, matched through the generosity of longtime supporters:
The John + Elizabeth Leonard Family Foundation.
Thank you for making nature’s healing power a focus in your philanthropy. We are humbled by your generosity. Thank you!
Alan Alcorn
Scott + Kathy Aldern Family Fund, Fidelity Charitable
Nicholas Alston
Barbara Anderson
Dale + Sharel Andrews
Jon + Clemencia Appel
Richard + Judith Arendsee
Michele Arnesen + Bill Wechter
Susan Asato
Lani Asato
John + Elizabeth Bagby
Jennifer Ball + Mike Varney
Elaine & Kaveh Barjesteh
William Barnes + Yvette Peters
Eva + Steven Barnes
Don + Teresa Barth
Mona Baumgartel + John DeBeer
Anthea Beletsis + Gary Danielsen, Schwab Charitable
John + Lori Beliveau
Douglas Berg
John Berg
Karen Berger
James Beyster
Inge Bisconer
Mike + Janice Blanco
Richard + Jan Block
Robert Blumberg + Andrea Yates
Greg Bohdan
Barb Bolton + Jack Ross*
Albert + Cathleen Bourdon
Helen Bourne
Christi Brockway + Ashley Waddell
Cathy Bullock
Cristina Burlem
Cheryl + Thomas Burns
Robert Byrnes
Deborah Cadena
Annie Cafarelli + Steve Grimaldi
Craig Campion
Scott + Dinah Carl
William Caylor
Carol Childs + Peter House*
Hugh Chivers
Martie + Muffer Clemons
Elena Collavin
Lea Corkidi-Cherbowsky
Lou Ann Countryman
David Cramer + Robin Radlauer-Cramer
Susan Crane
Alan Creutz
Carles Cuccaro + Ana Maria Grace
Scott + Kathi Curriden
Richard + Lynn Cusac
Bernard + Cheryl Daleiden*
Gary + Denise David
Michael Davidson + Lori Chamberlain
Paul + Linnea Dayton
Caroline DeMar
Suzanne Demong
John Denton + Nancy Levin
Nick + Cristina DePolo
Barbara Derrick
Rahul Deshpande
James Determan
H Patricia Dice
Jim Dietz
Staubus-Dodge Family Fund**, Rancho Santa Fe Foundation
William + Pamela Driscoll
Jim + Kathleen Drummond
Ames + Beryl Early
James + Susan Elliott
Peg + David Engel*
Daniel Essig
Robin Etheridge
Keenan-Rivers Family
Harold Feder + Gloria Sandvik
Michael Fisher + Elizabeth Meier
Ingrid Flores
Joseph + Cynthia Fossen
Sally Foster (s)
Warren Fox
John Frazier
Mark + Lynne Friedmann**
Fulton Family Legacy Fund*, The San Diego Foundation
Kathy + George Furgerson
Jennifer Galey
Sarah Garro
Hilary + Casey Gauntt
Elizabeth Geisler
Ron George + Tricia Takacs*
Michele Gerber
Jesse + Jason Giessow
Douglas Gillingham + Dana Friehauf*
James Gilmore + Cameron James
Golich Family Foundation, Coastal Community Foundation*
Richard Gomez + Lina Mendenhall
Rod Goodson
Rosemary Goodyear
Victoria Gramoy + John Thompson
Renita Greenberg
Karen Grossman
Barbara + George Groth
Larrie + Brenda Hall*
Hallaren Family Charitable Fund, Schwab Charitable
Deborah Hanna
Christopher + Kristy Harden
Chuck + Lee Hawley
Anita Hayworth + Dave Shaw*
Yoko Fujimoto Heath
Stephen + Susie Hedrick*
John + Jane Helmer*
Christy Hendrickson
Steven + Sarah Henriksen
Jane + Scott Hermes
Tom Heywood + Stephanie Wilde****
Douglas Hoffman
Ken + Barbara Holland
Mark + Jane Hoppe
Chris + Ken Hornback
M. House Family Fund*, The San Diego Foundation
Bob + Sandy Irwin
Linda Joerden
Duane + Roseitta Johnson
Patricia + Franklin Jones
Maggie Judge
Carol Katayama
Joe Kellogg
Carol Kerridge
Trish Kimper
Jim + Janie King
Kohler Family Fund, Fidelity Charitable
Trudy Kohout + Stephen Perry
David + Debra Kramer*
Tony + Cynthia Kranz
Mitchell Kronenberg
Melissa + Peter Kuhn
Artun Kutchuk
John LaGrange
Kim Lande + Scott Henry
Alan + Linda Langhorn
Larry + Joyce Laveman
Lea Charitable Donor Advised Fund***, Fidelity Charitable
Jon + Judy LeLevier
Colleen Lester
Richard + Carol Levin*
Barry + Roberta Lindgren
Eric + Suellen Lodge
Brian Loly
Deidre Luts
Megan + Parker Lyons
Anne Magoffin
Frank + Chana Mannen
Edward Marks
MaryAnn Marler
Eve Martin + Robert Farber
Jeremy + Jill Martin
Margaret McCallum
Jenny + Mike Mcclintock*
Karen + Michael McClune
Gioia Messinger
Geoffrey Miller + Karen Haubrich
Robin Mitchell
Brian + Heather Miyazaki
Cindy Moore**
Andra Moran***
Marybeth Norgren + Per Cederstav
Nate + Deb Northup
Art + Mary Page
Carol + Vann Parker, Schwab Charitable
Rosalie Parkinson
Caryl Parrish
Robert + Shauna Patton
Cindy Pedersen
Michael Peeler
Anthony + Lori Petosa
Kevin Pickard
Ryan Pingree
Douglas Pinto
Sally J. Pla
Janet Placido
J. Kenneth + Sheila Poggenburg
Ann Pogue**
Jack + Patty Queen
Joe + Keren Ramsdell, Merrill Lynch Charitable
Robert + Susan Rantzow
Don + Donna Raub
Denise Redvers-Higgins
Cecilia Rhodes
Marcia + Richard Rothschild
Karl Rudnick + Jill Cooper
Walter Rusinek + Katherine Patterson
James + Sally Sandler
Nancy Satur
Alan Schmidt + Alby Quinlan
Mary Schwalen
Tom + Veronica Seay
Richard + Nancy Sheridan*
Jerry + Jamie Shiller
Sharla Short
Jill + Darrell Shrader Philanthropic Fund*, Vanguard Charitable
I-Wei Shu
Gail Smith
Aaron + Kaori Sokoloff
Mark + Barbara Spiro
Neal Staats + Debra Meadows
Jerre Stallcup + Michael White
Dareen + James Starck
Timothy Stillinger + Maggie Crawford (s)
Stillinger Family Fund***, Rancho Santa Fe Foundation
James + Kathleen Stiven
Mary Ann + Martin Stone
Barry + Debby Strauss
Ronald Styn
Barbara Swanson
David + Kathleen Tansey
Steve + Al Tarkington***
Marie Tartar + Steven Eilenberg, Fidelity Charitable
Ken + Lori Taylor
Jean Tempke
Jeff Thomas + Nicolle Selby-Thomas*
Judy Thum
Michael Tice
John Tolpa
Rene Townsend
Jeremy Tuler
Elizabeth Walcott + Stephan Miller
Norman + Patricia Walker
Barbara + Nolan Wallach
Craig + Leigh Weatherwax
Betzi + Mikel Weinberg
Robert Weisgrau
Katherine While
Allen White + Julie Haugsness-White
George White
John + Christine Willems
Anna Willis
Clint + Elizabeth Winant
David + Sherry Winkler*
Leonard + Martha Blane Wittwer*
Carol Wolf
Paul + Jane Woody*,
Merrill Lynch Charitable
Paul Worthington**
Bonnie Wright
Susan Wright
Peter Wussow
Ronette Youmans + Dana Pearce
Noam Ziv
Stephen Zug
Corporate Giving
Cafarelli Consulting
Futures Unbound*
Opper Sports
In Honor of
Anonymous, in honor of Olivia Smith
Bradley Zlotnick, in honor of Doug Gibson + Janie DeCelles
Brendan Laurs, in honor of Roland Org
Carol Hart, in honor of Janet Austin Hart
Anne Adair + Steve Ganzberg, in honor of Nature Collective employees*
MaryJo Schumann, in honor of Beth, Danny + Wilbur Pryor-Doyle
Donna Todd, in honor of Margie Todd
In Memory of
James + Joanne Callan, in memory of Joanne Elizabeth Callan
Bruce Green, in memory of Maria Davey
Marguerite Jaster, in memory of Chuck Mertensotto
Rosemary KimBal + Raymond Elstad, in memory of Lilly Knudsen Fitzgibbons
Sustaining Monthly Donors
Carla Anderson
Christopher Angioletti
Dennis + Margo Astroth
Nikki + Mark Boiskin
Walter Burkhard
Sarah + Paul Culver
Jane + Steve Dempsey
Sally Foster
Mr. + Mrs. William Harman
Tom Heywood + Stephanie Wilde**
Mark + Davi Huffman
Charlotte + Carl Johnk
Kevin Johnson
Joe + Mary Kellejian
Kerry + Julie Kusiak
Marilee McLean
John Meyer
John Middleton
Michael Minneman
Barbara Moore
George Nakamura
Ken Owen
Hans Petermann
Daniel Powell
John + Linda Scales
Rich + Lindy Schermerhorn
Jean + Fred Sebold
Timothy + Maggie Stillinger
Judie + David Swinington
William Thompson
Sarah Westling
*President Circle
**Legacy Circle
***President + Legacy Circle
****President Circle + Legacy Circle + Monthly Sustaining Member
(s) Monthly Sustaining Member
If you didn’t have the chance to donate in December, you can still help: Make a donation today!
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