San Elijo is Experiencing Challenges
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Thank you to all who gave in gratitude during our year-end matching gift challenge, in which we met our $50,000 matching goal! Your gifts make a difference, matched through the generosity of longtime supporters:
The John + Elizabeth Leonard Family Foundation.
Thank you for making nature’s healing power a focus in your philanthropy.
We are humbled by your generosity. Thank YOU!
Anne Adair + Steven Ganzberg*
Alan + Teresa Alcorn
Nicholas Alston
Marilyn + Michael Ames
Dale + Sharel Andrews
Clemencia + Jon Appel
Judith + Richard Arendsee
Lani Asato
Robert Asperslag
Elizabeth + John Bagby
Gladys Baird
Kaveh + Elaine Barjesteh
Will Barnes + Yvette Peters
Mona Baumgartel + John DeBeer
Anthea Beletsis + Gary Danielsen, Schwab Charitable
John + Margot Berg
Karen Berger*
James Beyster
Mara Bickett
Inge Bisconer
Mike + Janice Blanco
Jan + Richard Block
Robert Blumberg + Andrea Yates
Sondra Boddy
Barb Bolton + Jack Ross *
Michaele Bookstore
Helen Bourne
Ellen + Mark Bramson*
Gerlad + Luanne Brand
Elizabeth Bredeck
Bright Green Family Fund, Fidelity Charitable
Denise Brown
Michelle + Sean Buchanan
David Buchholtz
Robert + Karen Budetti
Kenneth + Deanna Buhr
Cathy Bullock
Julia Burgess-Perrot
Cristina Burlem
Cheryl + Thomas Burns
Robert Byrnes
Craig Campion
Caitlin + Thomas Carter
Lori Chamberlain + Michael Davidson
Carol Childs + Peter House*
Geeta Chinai
Kay + William Cohn
Cathy Collier
Maria Cook
Linda Corder
Lea Corkidi-Cherbowsky
Dennis Cramer + Robin Radlauer-Cramer
Alan + Jerelyn Creutz
Michael + Nan Criqui
Charles Cuccaro + Ana Maria Grace
Kathi + Scott Curriden
Bemanali + Fay Dadbeh
Bernard + Cheryl Daleiden
Denise + Gary David
Joan M Davis
John Denton + Nancy Levin
Nick + Cristina DePolo
Rahul Deshpande, Schwab Charitable
James Determan
Tricia Dice
Jim Dietz
Elaine Dodge + Martin Staubus**
Dowling Family Fund, Coastal Community Foundation*
Jim + Kathleen Drummond
Ames + Beryl Early
Jewel + James Edson
Franklin Eller
Jim + Susan Elliott
The Engel Fund, The San Diego Foundation*
Ann Marie Engfelt + William Engfelt
Amber + Roderick Evans
Teri Fenner
Katrin + Phyllis Flechsig
Sally Foster
Charles Freebern
Dick + Lynn Freeland
Friendship Garden Club
Yoko Fujimoto Heath
Emmy Garnica + Don Geiger*
Ryan Gates
Bernhard + Sara Geierstanger
Generous Old Geezers at Fidelity Charitable Donor-Advised Fund
Jason + Jesse Giessow
Cathy + Dan Gill
Douglas Gillingham + Dana Friehauf *
James Gilmore + Cameron James
Rod Goodson
Rosemary Goodyear
Joseph + Nancy Gordon
Catherine + Henry Graham
Victoria Gramoy + John Thompson
Bruce Green**
Renita Greenberg
Jill Hacker
Brenda + Larrie Hall
Hallaren Family Charitable Fund, Schwab Charitable
Lisa Hamilton
Hans and Margaret Doe Charitable Trust, The San Diego Foundation
Chris + Kristy Harden
Florence Harrod + Gary R. Johnson Harrod
Chip + Nancy Hatch
Chuck + Lee Hawley
Anita Hayworth + Dave Shaw*
Christy Hendrickson
Susie + Steve Hedrick*
John + Jane Helmer*
Karen + Dr. Bert Edelstein Helrich
The Henson-Housekeeper Charitable Fund, Vanguard Charitable
Marsha Herman
Thomas Hermann
Barry Holcomb
Colin + Vicky Holman
M. House Family Fund, The San Diego Foundation*
Jianhua Huang
Hunter Family Advised Fund, Fidelity Charitable
Ms Deb Inada
Susan Irey
Mary Jane Jagodzinski
Beth Jarosz
Mark Jenne
Linda Joerden
Gordon Johns
Jennifer Jones
Patricia + Franklin Jones
Herschel + Mary Ann Jones
Jim Kaae + Mary Lou Kaae
Elizabeth Keithley
Cliff + Karin Keller
Joe + Joanne Kellogg
Joani + Richard Kerr
John + Sheryl Keis
Jim + Janie King
Margaret + Peter Kohl***
Trudy Kohout + Stephen Perry
David + Debra Kramer*
Melissa + Peter Kuhn
Artun Kutchuk
Alan + Linda Langhorn
Steven + Alexis Larky, Schwab Charitable
The Lauer Fund, The San Diego Foundation**
Brendan Laurs
Pete Lawley
Michael + Teresa Lea***
Dennis + Kathleen Lees
Jon + Judy Lelevier
Bill Lester
Paula Levin
Linda Lewis
Barry + Roberta Lindgren
Brad Livingston
Brian Loly
Brian + Sharon Loveman
Jean Lowe + Kim MacConnel
Linda Lundberg
Deidre Luts
Anne Magoffin
Marie Tartar and Steven Eilenberg Charitable Gift Fund, Fidelity Charitable
MaryAnn Marler
Jeremy + Jill Martin
Jack + Lois Martin
Peggy Martin*
Margaret McCallum
Scott McCaul
Michael + Karen McClune
Margaret + Kevin McGinnis
Debbie McGraw-Block
S. McLean, Fidelity Charitable
Julie + Paul McPherson
Elizabeth Meier + Michael Fisher
Elizabeth Michel + Arnold Markman
Geoffrey Miller + Karen Haubrich
Stephan Miller + Elisabeth Walcott
Bonnie Minamide
Robin Mitchell
Brian + Heather Miyazaki
Philly Montbleau
Andra Moran***
David G Moreno
Jill + Ron Morris
Barry Naughton
David Newman
Karen + Rick Noble
Mark Ohman
Natalie Olvera
Gerri Retman-Opper + Ira Opper
Mary + Art Page
Carol + Vann Parker, Schwab Charitable
Caryl Parrish
Katherine Patterson + Walter Rusinek
Robert + Shauna Patton
James + Marinee Payne
Joyce Pechette
Michael Peeler
Dan + Dawn Peterka
Anthony + Lori Petosa
Ryan Pingree
Douglas W Pinto
J Kenneth + Sheila Poggenburg
Ben Preyer
Debra + Lindsay Quackenbush
Alby Quinlan + Alan Schmidt
Donna + Eric Racette
Susan Randerson
Donna + Don Raub
Nancy Rech
Sharron Rice
Gary + Rebecca Rice
Richard L. Levin Family Foundation
Marsha Richards + Robert Murashige
J Andrew Rodriguez
Edson + Colleen Rood
Ronnie + Stuart Rosenwasser
Ross-MacNeel Family Fund, Fidelity Charitable
Marcy + Richard Rothschild
Jill Cooper + Karl Rudnick
Jerry + Lynn Sandlin
Harold Feder + Gloria Sandvik
Patricia Sarkar
John + Mary Schatz
Rich + Lindy Schermerhorn
Judy Schramm
Hans + Mary Jo Schumann
Melanie Schwab
Mary Schwalen
Hillel Schwartz
Susan Shaler
Richard + Nancy Sheridan
Susan + James Sherman
Jamie + Jerry Shiller
I-Wei Shu
Katharine + Ronald Silvera
Eric Slater + Marcia Pilatti
Pemberton + Jean Smith
Sharon Snyder
Aaron + Kaori Sokoloff
Solana Beach Fund Fox Family, Schwab Charitable
Barbara + Mark Spiro, Schwab Charitable
Neal Staats + Debra Meadows
Dareen + James Starck
John Steger + Debbie Zmarzly
Barbara J Stewart**
Dave + Denise Stillinger***
James + Kathleen Stiven
Barry + Debby Strauss
Jane Stro
Debbie Struck-Shampain
Ronald L Styn
John Sullivan
Barbara Swanson*
Robert + Cindy Switzler
Jean Tempke
Judy Thum
Julie Thunder
Mike Tice
Donna Todd
John Tolpa
Kay Townsend
Jeremy Tuler
Jilaine + Louis Valerio
Sally Van Haitsma
Carla Nappi + David Varner
Kris Vensand + Benjamin Chang
Gerald Vernon
Judith + Stanley Vignos
Norman + Patricia Walker
Julia Walker
Barbara + Nolan Wallach
Wayne + Mim Warren-Angelucci
Craig + Leigh Weatherwax
Mikel + Betzi Weinberg
Jennifer Wetzell
Allen White
Christine + John Willems
Elizabeth + Clint Winant
Winkler Family Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation*
Leonard + Martha Blane Wittwer*
Carol Wolf
Douglas Wong
Jane + Paul Woody, Merril Lynch, Pierce, Fenner + Smith Inc.*
Paul Worthington**
Bonnie Wright
Ronette Youmans + Dana Pearce
The John Zagara Family Charitable Fund, Vanguard Charitable*
Sandra Zarcades
Brenda + Dave Zito
Noam Ziv
Stephen Zug
Dayle + Jack Zwart
Monthly Sustaining Members
Carla Anderson
Christopher Angioletti
Dennis + Margo Astroth
Mark + Nikki Boiskin*
Walter Burkhard
Paul + Sarah Culver
Jane + Steve Dempsey
Sally Foster
Jonathan Goodmacher
Pastor Bill + Patti Harman***
Tom Heywood + Stephanie Wilde***
Charlotte + Carl Johnk
Joe + Mary Kellejian*
Kerry + Julie Kusiak
Carol + James McCall
Marilee McLean
John Meyer
John + Torre Middleton
Michael Minneman
Barbara Moore
George Nakamura
John + Linda Scales
Jean + Fred Sebold*
Timbo Stillinger + Maggie Crawford
David + Judie Swinington
Kevin Tays + Aviva Merion
Sarah Westling
Corporate Giving
Amazon Smile Foundation
Futures Unbound*
Johnson & Johnson
Nordson Corporation
Union Bank of California Foundation
In Honor of
Anonymous, in honor of Keith and Jeanette Cunningham
Christi Brockway + Ashely Waddell, in honor of Beth and Danny Pryor-Doyle
Monika Brunner, in honor of Larry Brunner
Colleen Campbell, in honor of Butterfly
Sage Dunne, in honor of Allie Hermann
John Hardin, in honor of Kayla Hardin and Mike Gorman
Megan Melcher, in honor of all of God’s creatures
Michael Pacelli, in honor of Carol Hart
Roger Powalisz, in honor of Martie + Muffer Clemons
Charles + Diane Smith, in honor of Annie Dunne
Jerre Stallcup + Michael White, in honor of Bill and Mandy Stallcup
Robert Weisgrau + Victoria Monaco, in honor of The Nature Minyan of Temple Solel
In Memory of
Douglas E Berg, in memory of Prof Claire M Berg, PhD, University of Connecticut
James Callan, in memory of Joanne E. Callan
Dinah + Scott Carl, in memory of William O. Ward, III
Dennis + Linda Costello, in memory of Suellen Lodge
Jim + Kathleen Drummond, in memory of Suellen Lodge
Ginny Fisher, in memory of Ronald Fisher
Ingrid M Flores, in memory of Louis Reyes
Carol Hart, in memory of Janet Douglas Austin Hart
Marsha Herman, in memory of Chris Saunders Sardiñas
Brenda + Eric Johnson, in memory of Erik A. Johnson and Delores Williams
Christina Leigh, in Memory of Corazon Andrade Banzon
Cindy Moore, in memory of Bob Moore **
Wendy Pierro, in memory Joshua David Bright
Amy Wrench + Steve Davis, in memory of Pat Levin
*President Circle
**Legacy Circle
***President + Legacy Circle
If you didn’t have the chance to donate in December, you can still help: Make a donation today!
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