
California Gnatcatcher

Polioptila californica

The California Gnatcatcher is a small, gray-brown bird that usually forages in pairs, blending seamlessly with the shrubs, making them nearly invisible. Historically, the California Gnatcatcher thrived in the abundant shrubby terrain along the coast of California, where the coastal sage scrub extended uninterrupted from Ventura to Baja, Mexico. However, with the habitat significantly dwindling, the species is considered federally threatened for extinction, and the bird finds refuge in protected places like San Elijo Lagoon. Nature Collective is committed to restoring habitat at San Elijo Lagoon and throughout San Diego County for birds like the California Gnatcatcher.

Fun Fact:
California Gnatcatchers clean their feathers using water collected on leaves by rain or coastal fog.

What’s for Lunch:
Insects and spiders

Where’s Home:
Coastal sage scrub, year round