
Upcoming Events
at Nature Collective

Everyone is invited to join us for fun-and-informative events!

Anytime you’re looking for free things to do in San Diego, see what’s happening at Nature Collective. We offer free nature tours and family days. For other events, like a film screening, there’s an admission price that lets us offer these experiences.

Our activities are for anyone in town – from locals to visitors – and all ages.

August 2024

September 2024

October 2024

Discovery Tour | September 7

  • Saturday, September 07, 2024
  • 1 Hour

Discover the beauty of San Elijo Lagoon: where fresh water and saltwater meet and mix, migratory and resident birds share a sanctuary, and many animals find a home.

This guided tour will inspire all to watch and listen for various birds that rest in – and fly across – the salt marsh and mudflats. No matter the season, you can enjoy, photograph, and identify a host of native plants. Our Nature Center Loop Trail is accessible, providing fun for all.

Volunteer Emmy Garnica leads your nature experience.

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Wildlife Tour | September 14

  • Saturday, September 14, 2024
  • 2 Hours

Join us for our captivating Wildlife Tour as we bid farewell to the summer season. Embark on a journey through the serene trails of the San Elijo Lagoon Reserve, an oasis of rich habitats, including riparian areas. Imagine strolling under a lush canopy of native desert grapes, offering soothing shade on a sizzling summer day. Marvel at the sight of green stems adorned with brown tassel-like flowers and seeds of the California bulrush thriving in the marshes. Look for the vibrant black-and-yellow Argiope spider nestled in the heart of a well-crafted web. Don’t miss this enchanting exploration of nature’s wonders.

Weather permitting. Wildlife is unpredictable. There is no guarantee of what you will see.

Volunteers Elizabeth Venrick + Mark Jenne will lead your nature experience.

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Have You Seen the Must-Sees?

Slot Canyon

Slot Canyon

See a true natural wonder – right in your county’s backyard

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San Elijo Lagoon

San Elijo Lagoon

Our nearly 1,000-acre reserve is a hiker’s dream

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Nature Center

Nature Center

Visit the friendly hub of the lagoon

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