Habitat Restoration: A Fire Mitigation Tool
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The excitement can be seen and heard. As school buses unload, hundreds of 5th-graders gather at the San Elijo Lagoon Nature Center with teachers and chaperones to begin their nature adventures.
Together with Escondido Union School District, we provide every 5th grade student with an outdoor education experience aligned to Next Generation Science Standards. What are kids learning this year? Our Ecosystems in Action curricula is taking place outdoors, and back in the classrooms.
Together, we investigate: What things are found here? How do living and nonliving elements interact? And, how do you interact with the San Elijo Lagoon ecosystem as a learning environment?
The importance of observation is critical to our thinking. Kids are practicing science and recording observations. They are introduced to the concept of ecosystem models and our human interactions — with food webs in preparation for their Conservation Action projects.
If you have kept up with our emerging leaders, including Eveny + Carol, you know that early childhood experiences, reinforced by our mentorship experiences through high school, are inspiring our kids to explore environmental career paths beginning with college.
These 5th graders are our future leaders. We welcome them this fall with every seasonal change they experience, both personally and in the wild.
Escondido Union School District + County of San Diego Parks and Recreation + SDG&E + San Elijo Joint Powers Authority + Union Bank + The San Diego Foundation + YOU
Connect. Experience. Protect.
Louise Bruning
Frank + Janice Creede
Lynne + Marc Friedmann
Molly Gee
Jane & Scott Hermes
Robert Higuchi
Todd Keehan
Alexandra Kharazi
Sara Krause
Marianne + Charles Leighton
Kim MacConnel + Jean Lowe*
Sophie McClellan
Miller Family Charitable Trust
Roseann + Warren Peterson
Dadla Ponizil & Judy Berlfein
Cheryl Pronchick
Liz + Tony Salant*
The Timmstrom Family Fund
Laura Schneir
George P. Sherman
Mike Tfenkejian
Benjamin Weiss
Wild Wisdom
Johnson + Johnson
National Financial Services
ThermoFisher Scientific
Yes! I would like to join Nature Collective to help everyone connect with nature, experience its grace and beauty, and protect it now and always. Your donation makes a difference! Thank you.
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