
Golden Wattle (not native)

Acacia pycnantha

Trees full of yellow flowers growing at the base of canyon
Golden wattle mark the entrance to Annie's Canyon | February 2019

     “Pride is like the beautiful acacia, that lifts its head proudly above its neighbor plants –  forgetting that it too, like them has its roots in the dirt.”                                                                                                                                                       Christian Nestell Bovee. (Intuitions and Summaries of Thought, 1862)

Species of Acacia, many with billowing masses of fragrant, yellow flowers, are among our best known California landscape plants; but many are also on the California Invasive Species list – plants that have escaped from the landscape into wildlands, where they replace native species and disrupt community relationships.

Golden wattle (Acacia pycnantha) is native to southeastern Australia and has been named the national flower of Australia. Decades ago, many were planted in San Elijo Ecological Reserve to shelter and obscure a hunting lodge that once nestled against the hills on the south side. The golden wattles have made themselves at home and decades later, for better or worse, are still decorating the entrance to Annie’s Canyon in late-winter yellow.

Other Common Names:

blackwood, black wattle, broadleaf wattle, green wattle

Description 2,235,475

Golden wattle is a variable large shrub or small tree, erect or spreading to 26 feet (8 m) high. The bark is green on young branches, turning gray or brown when older, smooth or with fine furrows. True leaves are absent. What appear to be leaves are flattened petioles (technically called phyllodes; Plant Guide will continue to use the term “leaf”). Leathery leaves are one to eight inches (2-20 cm) long, elliptic or oblanceolate with acute tips and smooth margins. They are often somewhat sickle-shaped, resembling some eucalyptus leaves. Some leaves have one or two small swollen areas, nectar glands, on the margin near the base. Occasionally, a small seedling will have a few true leaves; these are compound, twice-divided pinnately and delicate in appearance; they persist for only a short time.

Tiny, bright yellow flowers are crowded into spherical flower heads which, in turn, are arranged into showy elongated clusters from leaf axils. At the base of each tiny flower is a tiny, scale-like bract, more apparent in the bud stage. Tan, papery, fringed sepals and yellow petals are inconspicuous. Numerous yellow stamens are exerted beyond the petals on crooked filaments surrounding a single pistil. A slim style with a minute stigma can sometimes be seen extending beyond the stamens. Golden wattle blooms in late winter and early spring (July – November in Australia,235 Feb-April in our area.7)

The fruit of golden wattle is the typical legume of the pea family – a narrow and elongated pod five or six inches (14 cm) long, straight or slightly twisted, flattened and constricted between seeds. Seeds are attached along one side of the pod. On maturity, pods first split along the side opposite the seeds. The dark seeds are about 1/2 inch (0.6 cm) long, oval and somewhat shiny. A fleshy, club-shaped structure (elaiosome or aril) is attached at one end.476,477

Green oval leaves

Leaves (flattened petioles) are often sickle-shaped; a cluster of seed pods is just visible | Rios trailhead | November 2018

Small round fuzzy yellow flowers

Flower heads; the thread-liked styles can be seen extended beyond the curly stamens | Rios trailhead | February 2019

Reddish seed pod with black seeds

Open seed pods with mature seeds | Rios trailhead | July 2020

Distribution 7,41,183,235

The golden wattle is native to south-eastern Australia but has become naturalized in other parts of the world, including New Zealand, southern Africa, Europe, and Indonesia.

In California, golden wattle can be found sporadically below 650 feet (200 m) in coastal locations from Sonoma County south. It prefers dry, open woodlands, shrublands and grasslands and is sometimes found as an understory in eucalyptus forests. This species has not yet been classified as an invasive species in California; as of 2019, it is on the state “watch” list.

In the Reserve, golden wattle is easily found west of the freeway, scattered along the trail and in the forested area around Annie’s Canyon, where it grows with eucalyptus. Both the acacia and the eucalyptus are thought to have been planted many years ago around an old hunt club that had a lodge in the hills east of Annie’s canyon.

Classification 2,44,143,475,476

Golden wattle is a dicot angiosperm in the pea family (Fabaceae, formerly Leguminosae), the third largest family of flowering plants. Acacia belongs to the Mimosoideae, a subfamily that lacks the distinctive bilateral (“papilionaceous”) flowers of most peas and is further characterized by inconspicuous petals and numerous long, exerted stamens, often crowded into spheres. Leaves in the pea family are often compound, but many Acacias lack true leaves; what appear as leaves are petioles flattened into leaf-like blades. The fruit of Fabaceae is a one-chambered pod that splits open on maturity; seeds are anchored along one side. Many members of the pea family, including golden wattle, harbor nitrogen-fixing bacteria in special root nodules, allowing them to convert and use atmospheric nitrogen from the air.41

The Acacia genus is large and diverse, with over 1000 species.475, 478 The Australian acacia are typically called “wattles.” Many botanists believe that the present genus should be divided into several genera but there is little agreement about the details. Currently, golden wattle has no recognized subspecies.

Twenty-seven members of the pea family have been reported in the Reserve,48 many of them non-native species including seven species of Acacia. Common native peas include deerweed (Acmispon glaber), ocean locoweed (Astragalus trichopodus) and collared lupine (Lupinus truncatus).

Alternate Scientific Names:

Acacia westonii, Acacia petiolaris, Racosperma pycnanthum

Jepson eFlora Taxon Page
Long brown dried seed pods dangling from branch

Seed pod is typical legume | Rios trailhead | November 2018

Small yellow fuzzy flowers and long green leaves

Neither flower nor leaves resemble those of the typical pea | Rios trailhead | February 2019

Large green tree growing alongside trail

Rios trailhead | February 2019

Ecology 41,479

The flower head of acacias, including golden wattle, resembles wind-pollinated catkins, with many exposed anthers. However, acacia pollen grains are too large and too heavy to be wind-carried,480 and wind does not appear to be an important pollinator.

Many plants attract pollinators by providing nectar. In most cases, nectar glands are closely associated with the flower, often deep within the flower’s throat. In most acacias, however, the nectar glands are not in or on the flower, but on the nearby leaves. In golden wattles, for instance, many leaves (but not all) have one or two small nectar glands on the leaf margin, near the leaf base. These are small swellings topped by a shallow depression; they resemble small galls.

Some botanists think that the nectar glands may attract ants, which in turn guard against Roselles, birds which prey on the flowers to the detriment of the acacia.

Studies in Australia show that golden wattle is at least partially pollinated by birds, especially Honeyeaters, Silvereyes, and Thornbills. These are attracted to the nectar (or to insects attracted by the nectar) and brush their heads against the flowers while removing nectar from the nearby leaves. We have neither Honeyeaters, Silvereyes or Thornbills,  in the Reserve, and golden wattles produce viable seeds, so the pollination mechanisms of our trees must be different. One can easily watch bees gather pollen from the flower heads; perhaps bees are pollinators here.


Closeup of yellow flower head

Masses of pollen-producing stamens are exposed to the wind | Rios trailhead | February 2019

Light pink nectar gland

Magnified nectar gland found on leaf margin; scale units are mm | Rios trailhead | February 2019

opening flowers and leaves with nectar glands

Opening flower cluster with a nectar gland near bases of two leaves | Rios trailhead | February 2019

Human Uses

Aborigines had many uses for parts of acacias, including for food, binding and weaving materials, spear shafts and ax handles, boomerangs and firewood. Acacia gum was chewed or used for adhesive.476

Today, acacia species are best known in California as landscaping and garden plants. Unexpectedly, golden wattle is among the more commonly planted.214

Golden wattle is frequently grown for its bark which is especially rich in tannin. Tannin has been used since antiquity in the process of tanning hides for leather.41

Yellow fuzzy round flowers

Rios trailhead | February 2019

Large green bushes with groups of small yellow flowers

Rios trailhead | February 2019

Trunk of mature tree with brown bark

Golden wattle is grown for tannin | Rios trailhead | November 2018

Interesting Facts 41,475

This species has been featured on several Australian postal stamps. In 1988, the occasion of Australia’s bicentennial celebration, golden wattle was made the national flower of Australia and September 1 was declared Wattle Day.

Many small yellow flowers and green oval leaves

Rios trailhead | February 2019

Small fuzzy yellow flowers

Rios trailhead | February 2019

Small fuzzy yellow flowers

Annie's Canyon | February 2019

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