
Lagoon Restoration for Nature & You



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San Elijo Lagoon Restoration Project–Reviving Your Wetlands–Begins This December

Imagine the flow of healthy waters and an increase in wildlife diversity at San Elijo Lagoon. New trail connections are on the way. Reviving Your Wetlands will occur in phases and updates will be provided as we begin, and especially here in Lagoon Connections. So what’s next?

Guiding the Way

San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy is guiding the San Elijo Lagoon Restoration Project, part of the North Coast Corridor Program – called Build NCC – where significant highway and railroad improvements are underway, providing the opportunity for several lagoon enhancements. We are working with County of San Diego and US Army Corps of Engineers, in addition to many stakeholders, who have helped shape planning for years. Since the transportation corridor construction began this past January, staff and agency biologists are onsite daily at the lagoon to monitor wildlife and water quality. Lagoon Restoration funding is administered by Transnet tax revenue.

Did You Know?

Reviving Your Wetlands is designed to be resilient with sea level rise in our changing climate. Tidal circulation will improve. Lands and waters will be enhanced for native plants and animals—including threatened and endangered species. Your access and education opportunities will expand as San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy, with our County & State partners, continue to protect sensitive natural resources. Reviving Your Wetlands will continue through 2021. Here’s a glance at how several native plants, animals and Pacific Flyway habitats will be enhanced as tidal flow increases, and will reach farther east into lagoon basins:


Striped Shore Crabs on mudflats can eat algae by the clawful. A natural recycler—tidbits of decayed animals are on its menu.


Salty Susan adds bright pops of yellow from May to October. Like Pickleweed, these native plants concentrate seawater in special spaces, using the remaining fresh water to grow.

Pacific Flyway

The nearly 1000-acre San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve is home to more than 300 species of birds including: year-round residents, winter visitors, summer breeders, and migrants passing through to rest and refuel. Pictured: Northern Pintail at San Elijo Lagoon

What questions do you have about Lagoon Restoration?

Share with us so that we can keep you updated on all the latest news—both behind the scenes as we learn—and about what you’re seeing as restoration begins. Have a question or comment? Join our conversation below. Thanks for being a part of Lagoon Connections.

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