Habitat Restoration: A Fire Mitigation Tool
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Thanks to your support, we are providing education, outreach + action opportunities for people who are connecting with nature on the trails, beaches, school yards + native plant gardens, our native plant nursery, at San Elijo Lagoon, and beyond.
Our vision is a world where everyone has a passion to connect with, experience, and protect nature. Here at summer’s end, we invite you to enjoy shaded trails, and cool coastal breezes at San Elijo Lagoon or visit our newest Lake Drive Trail.
Thank You, July Gifts for Nature Collective:
Jennifer Bright
Bob + Lois Chaddock**
Mike + Sheila Cole
Joseph Debilio
Joel Fisler
Casey + Hilary Gauntt
David Gibbons
Debbie Hanna
Gary R. Johnson + Florence Harrod
Christy Hendrickson
Johnson + Johnson
Douglas + Cecilia Jolly
Mitchell Kronenberg
Togaku + Ruth Kuroda
David + Marietta Lassaline
Jackie Malone
Deborah Milkowski
Cindy Moore***
James + Kathalyn Nelson
Albert + Sandra Southworth
The Bernstein Family
Dave + Brenda Zito
Stephen Zug
In Memory of Lily Fitzgibbons
Doug + Jackie Price
Terry + Ross Velderrain
**President’s + Legacy Circle Members
***Legacy Circle Member
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