
Coming “Dune” This Fall + Lagoon Restoration

Purple flower in sand


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Lining the Inlet Channel with Rocks Gives Us More Sand for Building Dune Habitat This Fall

Another milestone for nature’s protection is complete! San Elijo Lagoon Restoration crews completed inlet revetment along the tidal channel that connects the lagoon to the ocean.

The rocks placed to line this embankment provide added protection against erosion.

Above: Inlet rock revetment

We now have excess sand from the access areas used by the construction equipment. This gives us the opportunity to build additional sand dune habitat, located north of the Ki’s parking area (east of Coast Highway 101).

Our goal is to create more native habitat similar to the Cardiff Living Shoreline. Crews will also be placing sand along the top of the rock line leading to the Coast Highway 101 bridge.

Above: The soon-to-be dune habitat area

Map Above: Circled is the area where new sand dune habitat will be created.

Beach sand verbena (Abronia umbellata)

We will let you know of upcoming volunteer opportunities to help us install dune plants, like the vibrant beach sand verbena.

As we approach the end of summer, exciting developments in native vegetation will enhance our views, our caring for species of every kind—from lizards to birds—and all that thrive below the surface of marsh waters.

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