San Elijo is Experiencing Challenges
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How will we maximize nature’s ability to supply us with clean water, renewable energies and other natural protections and resources? The future of conservation is here and it means working with nature to better our future.
At Nature Collective, we are working on several restoration sites to maximize healthy habitat and pathways for people. Land gifts provide safe havens for threatened and endangered species in California.
1. The Cardiff Beach Living Shoreline was engineered to support new sand dunes that stabilize the shoreline from sea level rise and that now support habitat for rare birds and plants to thrive.
Above: The threatened Western Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus) at Cardiff Beach Living Shoreline
2. We are expanding school garden partnerships to create indigenous plant pollinator gardens on campuses. Pollinator gardens will provide both vibrant habitats and learning models for students.
Above: Anise Swallowtail (Papilio zelicaon) is one of many pollinating butterflies, joining bees, birds and others that help disperse plant seeds.
Above: California Gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica), by Chris Mayne
3. In the Stonebridge and Santa Carina area of San Elijo Lagoon, we are restoring 38-acres of coastal sage scrub habitat that is home to the federally endangered California Gnatcatcher. Building back this ecosystem also provides resilience benefits in our changing climate.
Above: Nature Collective installs plants into the Stonebridge restoration area.
Above: “Bridging Coastal Communities”
4. The design of San Elijo Lagoon Restoration blends the priorities of communities living in harmony with nature. That includes enhanced access to trails, and continuous trail journeys with the construction of bridges from the San Elijo Lagoon Nature Center that connect Cardiff-by-the-Sea with Solana Beach.
Thank you for your support of Nature Collective as we work together to connect people to nature with experiences that inspire protection of our natural resources, and in ways that balance our needs across species.
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